Monday, December 10, 2012

Da da da DAAAA!!! Here he is! Papa Smurf :)

Here's my newest drawing! It's a portrait of a guy named Papa Smurf. He is an amazing human being and I worked with him at a nonprofit art organization called Art & Soul. He was so awesome and could connect with the guests on such a deep level! He is also incredibly loving, could spin a story like nobody's business and is apparently a YouTube sensation! Hope you like it! :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Life Review and Self Box

This is a project I had to do for one of my Art Therapy classes. It's a Life Review in a Self Box!

Friday, October 19, 2012


Decoupaged these two bracelets in the span of about a month and a half. I liked how they turned out! Thank you Allison Biaglow for teaching me how to decoupage!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Decoupage shoes

So I've been feeling really crafty lately. All my inspiration has come out in making things out of cutting and pasting with modpodge. Case and point: these shoes I decoupaged. I've been kind of neglecting my drawings and paintings in lieu of repurosing things like these shoes. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing or if it just is. Ah well, I know some inspiration for drawing and painting will come soon enough :).

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Desert Scape

I'm trying out new themes in my work so I decided to take some pictures of the desert in Arizona when I went there over the holidays. This is just a simple pic of some cacti :).

Lodge 4 Under a Pine

This is a drawn version of the water color painting of Lodge 4:

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Bell Amongst Clouds

One of my various drawings from senior year:
The meal bell is a symbol of Holden so naturally, I would draw a picture of it! :). Also, it's really hard to draw clouds in conte crayon!

Yes I'm doing a lot of blog activity today...

This painting is called "The Lady" as it's a painting of one of the boats, called The Lady 2, that leaves from Holden Village and travels back to Field's Point, which is the dock that's back in Chelan, Washington.

And now for something completely different...

This is an older watercolor class assignment of a picture I took while I was in Paris:
"A View of the Latin Quarter"

Some figure studies

Here are some figure studies I worked on during my senior year of college:

Lodge 4 Under a Pine

This is a watercolor of a picture of Lodge 4 at Holden underneath a huge pine tree. The perspective and lighting are really cool :).

Monday, February 20, 2012

The View from Lodge 1

This is the most recent painting I've made. It's a view of lodge 1 at Holden Village. Photo cred: my friend Chris :) 

Old line drawing

Old line drawing from freshman year.